One More Day

One more day of being under her watchful eyes. Doesn't she have a job? I have been moving for 2 weeks straight from 10/11am-5/7 pm and she has been in her window watching me, recording me. On Sunday she followed one of my friends who was helping me move, soon as she saw me, she made a quick turn and left. She saw us all day Saturday night Sunday moving using the 15-minute parking spot, but she waited to call the cops until Monday which was my birthday to try and get my vehicle ticketed. Deliberately trying to ruin my birthday. But jokes on her it was already ruined by the fact that I was still moving trying to get away from her ass. 

So basically starting in November shortly before Thanksgiving she followed me to Walmart and then proceeded to try and run into me twice with her cart cuz she's so short that if I had hit her with my car I would have left bruises the way she was holding it she could have filed assault charges on me and it would have gone all the way to court before they would have pulled the video from Walmart showing she actually hit me.

Then she turn around and started stalking my sister from another mister who is in visiting for 16 days following her into the Barista shop striking up a conversation with the barista and sitting in her car watching my friend get her coffee and go back to my store and at one point she went in and confronted the barista and said don't you dare tell them a thing about me and she was like whoa.

Also during this time I went to the lady two doors down and had my haircut and it was spur of the moment went down sat in the chair I was in the chair in less than 5 minutes before she called claiming she was at the vet's office when I saw her car sitting outside just a few minutes before. She was asking if the lady had time to trim her hair but then said no I have to think about it after I get done with the vet. So the lady got off the phone and was like that was weird and I said no just a couple days ago she tried hitting me in Walmart with her cart twice.

Well the barista told us that back in June she was confronted by my stalker in the communal bathroom and my stalker was like I hope you don't mind but I started dating your ex-boyfriend. The Barista had no idea that she was engaged to my ex-husband and had been for a year at that point. When I found out that the ex-boyfriend was a trans person it made sense. 2 years ago she was overheard in a bar talking about all the different people she has had sex with and she said in a very derogative term that the only person she hasn't had is a tranny. But her now ex-boyfriend and the barista had no idea she was engaged during that time. The Barista also told me that she has been with five other boyfriends in the last year. And yet my ex who is still engaged to her has no clue that she is cheating on him and bragging about it.

Basically she's been trying to start a fight between her and Jason but making it somehow my fault which only strengthens their relationship and pointing out that I'm this horrible nasty person their relationship. Then after Thanksgiving is when I started telling people about me moving out of that location I'm going to a different Warehouse setup.

She has been very aggressively stalking I'm watching my every move making comments on posts about my store like articles that have been published in the newspapers. She even had the audacity to show up at my son's Elementary School recital. I avoided that one. But she tried to be very sweet towards my partner.

But going back to yesterday my birthday after calling the cops on me for being in the 15 minute parking spot, I loaded up my truck and I took it over to my warehouse. Less than 1 minute after I left Eric started loading his truck and who would go running by in a pink hoodie? And when she got close to him and said oh hi Eric in a very saccharine sweet voice. He completely ignored her. Now when I first met her she told me she hated pink, she would never wear pink that it looked great on me but she could never wear pink. But she's been wearing my exact shade of pink hell of a lot over the last 3 years.

So today she was around all day yet again in her windows, or driving by trying to spot our vehicles and where we were off to. I wouldn't be surprised if she tried to call the cops again but since Eric called them yesterday and explained about us moving and how we are in and out of those spaces I'm pretty sure they wouldn't even bother.

So it seems she's getting desperate for me to somehow start a fight between her and him. And she's really getting desperate now that she knows I'm moving out and away from her and I won't be able to be watched. I'm so glad I'm getting away from her. One more day. And at the new place there are cameras everywhere and my neighbors will call the cops for anyone hanging around or sitting in their cars for suspicious Behavior. She has absolutely no reason to be anywhere near my new location.

I wonder what excuses she's come up with to tell my ex why she hasn't moved in with him yet. But I mean really is she even working? Because I don't think you can file taxes on being a whore. And I know there's no way she can afford her apartment when she has spent literally the last 2 weeks every day in the window watching me. So I wonder how much time she is spending on her knees or on her back taking care of her landlord.

I just really hope my ex wakes up and starts asking the right questions, or her other ex-boyfriends she's had in the last year come forward and tell him that they fucked his bitch not knowing he was engaged to her. Or I hope they both end up with STIs and never give them to my son. I just wish she would get the fuck out of my life, out of my sons life, and leave us the hell alone. One more day of seeing her in the fucking windows.


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